Thursday, April 26, 2012

Prezi ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Prezi is like Microsoft Powerpoint but more better. You can make slideshows that are exciting with it's zooming feature, you can also include media in the presentation. Prezi is also by far more easier to use rather than Microsoft Powerpoint. I had problems with the uploading media in my presentation, but when I use Prezi, it makes it more easier, so a plus, Prezi is user friendly. Another great tool for education.

Camtasia ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Camtasia, all I can say is, it could probably be one of the best tools for education. It captures your screen and you can also talk too at the same time. Camtasia is perfect for teaching! When you want to teach your students through a video, Camtasia is your perfect tool. I would say Camtasia is one of the best educational tools ever invented. Your ultimate teaching tool.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Wikipedia is basically another search engine, but whoever visits this website can edit anything with free will. This website is mostly based on opinions from anybody in the world, a collaborative place where people can freely edit content on this website and the information given here is not creditable. This a website you should never use while doing research because it's not a creditable website.

Facebook ♥ ♥

Facebook is the "now" social network. Facebook can somewhat help education, if the right focus. I see groups on facebook that is strictly for educational purposes, also businesses are on facebook, but overall, I don't think facebook is the best website for educational purposes. Yes, you can form groups on facebook, or maybe create a page on facebook for education, but facebook is mostly made for entertainment and leisure socializing. There's too many distractions on facebook, with all the games and ads there, one cannot simply concentrate while on facebook. Facebook tries to work for almost everything, but education is not one of them.

Scrib Link ♥

Scrib Link is basically like paint installed in your computer but online. It's basically an electronic whiteboard where you type and draw and you can invite people to see your whiteboard, you can copy the URL for your whiteboard to save a specific white board, or you can email people to see your white board. Overall, Scrib Link is not very useful for education, needs more features.

Wolfram Alpha ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

First thing I could say about this website is awesome! It acts like a calculator, I entered in a simple problem solving with variables. I typed in 60=5N, and it showed me the answer for the problem. Also, I could upload files in this website and then I could create a URL for the file, so if I was to lose a file and if I made a URL for the file on Wolfram Alpha, I could easily copy the URL and paste it in the web address bar, I just recovered my lost file. If I was teaching math class, I would have my students use this website to solve math problems. Out of all the Ed techs I have reviewed so far, I say this is the best one out of all four.

Diigo review ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Diigo, I would recommend for any educator or any student! It's very useful for storing your bookmarks and highlights in a separate place instead of occupying your toolbar on your browser which slows down your browser. Diigo is also good for retrieving forgotten websites, or websites that you have visited years ago but you can't remember the web address, Diigo is there to help you to recover that forgotten website. Also, you can have socialize with other people on Diigo who may share the same interests as you do. Overall, Diigo is a very useful tool for education.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

SoundCloud review ♥ ♥

SoundCloud is not what I expected it to be. I thought it would be more useful, but it turned out, it's not what I thought it was cut out to be. All you can do on SoundCloud is record sounds or upload a sound and then share with friends. I thought I could use this website for teaching kids how to make music if I was teaching a lesson about music but it would not be much of help if I was to teach abut music. Basically, overall, SoundCloud is like a personal email with only making and sharing music and finding friends who use SoundCloud. It's just like another common email like facebook or Twitter.